About Our Organization
Williams Lake Protection and Rehabilitation District is a governmental body with statutory responsibilities to manage the lake for its benefit as well as the benefit of local citizens and taxpayers. The powers and operations of the district are set by law with legal responsibilities and consequences designed to ensure that the rights and interests of the public are protected.
Legislation allowing the formation of public inland lake protection and rehabilitation districts in Wisconsin was enacted in 1974. Williams Lake Protection and Rehabilitation District was formed October 18, 1983 and today its day-to-day operations are carried out by a board of commissioners comprised of elected volunteers and local officials.
Click here for information on "What is a Lake District?"
Click here to access Wisconsin State Statutes Chapter 33.
Click here to access "People of the Lakes: A Guide for Wisconsin Lake Organizations".
About Williams Lake
Williams Lake is located in Marquette County in the State of Wisconsin. The latitude and longitude coordinates for this lake are 43.7611 degrees N, 89.3740 degrees W and the altitude is 781 feet (238 meters).
Acres: 71 square acres
Mean Depth: 4 feet (1.2 meters)
Maximum Depth: 8 feet (2.4 meters)
Elevation: 781 feet (238 meters)
Lake Type: Drainage Lake